Percentage Calculator

Three-way Percentage Calculator

Input any two values and we calculate the third.

% of


*Numbers are rounded to the nearest hundredths.

Percentage in Common Phrases

What is

% of



is what percent of





% of what?


Calculate Percentage Difference

What is the percentage change from

Original value:


New value:




Percentage Formula

1) Find P% of X

Formula: X * P / 100

Example: Find 25% of 200

Answer: 200 * 25/ 100 = 50

2) Find what percent of X is Y

Formula: Y/ X * 100

Example: What percent of 100 is 15?

Answer: 15/ 100 * 100 = 15

3) Find X such that X is P% of Y

Formula: X = Y/ P * 100

Example: 20% of X is 2. What is X?

Answer: X = 2/ 20 * 100 = 10

4) Percentage difference

V1 = Original value

V2 = New value

Formula: (V2 - V1)/ V1 * 100

Example: Stock price moved from $50 to $55. What is the percentage change?

Answer: (55 - 50)/ 50 *100 = 10% increase.