CPV Calculator

How to use this calculator:

Input two fields and we will calculate the third

  • Total cost ($): How much budget do you have?

  • CPV ($): What's your cost per view?

  • Content views: How many views?

Total cost ($):

CPV Rate ($):

Content views:

*Numbers are rounded to the nearest hundredths.

CPV Formula:

CPV (Cost per View) is the price you pay each time a content is played. CPV is commonly used for video advertisement. Typically, the payment is triggered when the video ad is played for a minimum period. For example, YouTube defines the minimum threshold as 30 second.
Here is the formula:

CPV = Total cost/ Number of views

Unlike the CPM (cost per thousand), there is no need to multiply or divide the result by a thousand in the CPV model.

If you need to work out the total cost from a known CPV rate and the number of views you are aiming to get, use the following formula:

Total cost = CPV x Number of views

To work out the number of views from the known CPV pricing and the total cost you are willing to pay, use the below formula:

Number of views = Total cost/ CPV