CPM Calculator

How to use this CPM Calculator:

Input two fields and we will calculate the third

  • Total cost ($): How much budget do you have?

  • CPM ($): Your cost per 1000 impressions?

  • Ad Impressions: How many ad impressions?

Total cost ($):

CPM Rate ($):


*Numbers are rounded to the nearest hundredths.

CPM Formula:

CPM stands for 'Cost Per Mille'; that's cost per a thousand impressions. One impression is one potential customer viewing an advertisement once. CPM is calculated by dividing the total cost by the number of impressions and multiplying the result with 1000.
Here is the CPM formula:

CPM = (Total cost / Impressions) x 1,000

Don't forget the last part! If you don't multiply by a thousand, what you get is the cost of ONE impression. You need to add "x 1,000" to get the cost of A THOUSAND impressions.

For example, if you spend $5,000 for an advertisement and get 250,000 impressions, the CPM of that campaign is $20.

If you need to work out the total cost from the known CPM price and impressions, use the following formula.

Total cost = (Impressions x CPM) / 1,000

If you want to estimate the number of impressions you can get from the known CPM rate and the given budget amount, use the below formula.

Impressions = (Total cost x 1,000) / CPM